In Conversation with Mark Barnabas Lee
July 2021, Singapore

Now for the final episode for season 1, and what a perfect time to talk about the topic of Risk and how we can safe guard or mitigate this risk, as best we can. Besides just being and authentic person, the topic is highly “unsexy” but extremely necessary theme, in today’s digital lifestyle.
I for one have much to learn and am humbled to have had the chance to speak with Mark Barnabas Lee, our expert in Risk management and my personal Go-To when I need to think about all the angles when pursuing a new project or strategic alliances.
Having gone through a freak accident of his own, Mark has made the concept of mitigating risk, be it in business, in life and now, in the digital world with the inclusion of cyber hygiene, his mission and purpose, this time with an innovative new card game, Data Heist: Injecting fun and excitement to educate on good cyber hygiene and data protection.
I cant think of a better way to round up Series 1, then with the talented, creative and knowledgeable likes of Mark Lee, as he doles out tips and life experiences to help us navigate through this new phase of life.
In conversation with Mark Barnabas Lee
CASEA HostTM : Chrissie Choo (CC)
CASEA LoggerTM : Mark Barnabas Lee (ML)
ENGLISH Transcript